Pearle Mediation BC

✆ (604) 800-0204


Family Mediation

Are you separating, divorcing or just having difficulty understanding each other as a couple? Do you need help sorting through your life and finding a middle ground with your spouse? Are your differences causing a strain on your precious children, your life and your relationships? I can help! ​ ​I am a full time Family Mediator in BC with a law degree from the University of London (United Kingdom) and a certified Family Mediator from York University (ON, Canada). .Family Mediation offers a win-win solution for you and your family and the end result can be a legally binding agreement to help create a shared understanding of how you will both move forward. Mediation is a positive alternative to litigation which can be a very costly, time consuming, and emotionally draining process. Family Mediation offers the opportunity to work with a Mediator, a neutral third party, to smooth over conflict and draft an Agreement that is mutually beneficial to both parties. I will work with you and your spouse on issues around parenting time, creating a parenting plan, child and spousal support. 

Find out what family mediation can do for you. Call or email to book your FREE CONSULTATION with me today!